Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What got me was the 'married to my religion' bit. And the addicted bit. Yes, I figured that I would probably get some support for my message, and some 'crazy talk' bits, but it was the way Cassivellia basically did not read my answers and called my reasons for holding off "weak" that both annoyed me and made me laugh. AND the part that she did not read where I said I was considering dating, but that I would see where things went.

My main idea in all of this was that it has to be when I feel ready for things. That's only just started to happen, for various reasons that any reader of my blog will know.

One poster was correct in saying that I would be offended if someone thought I was having sex...and brought that out in the open. Especially if they really did know me, because I am decently open about what I believe. Whatever. What amuses me is that I cannot stop writing in an essay style format with proper grammer. Ah, the life of a university student.

They were also wrong on the point that they felt I believed that a woman can't be busy and have a relationship. I definitely do NOT believe that! Far from it, as many of the most successful relationships I know of are among very busy people. I just feel that given everything going on, I wouldn't have been able to give the support to someone that they need. In any relationship, I want to be an equal member, giving, not just taking. That is a very important aspect of a relationship to me, and with if I feel I can't give enough of myself, then I may hold back from entering further into a relationship. To me, that is protection both of them, and me.

In the end, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just needed to express mine. General statements generally make me question their validity, this was no different.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for leaving a comment at Smithllellaneous. I loved what you said about cancer making you feel stronger. You went through a heartbreaking time with your mom's illness and death; she was a blessed woman to have such a loving daughter at her side.
