Friday, December 23, 2011


Today feels like a complete reversal from yesterday! I had a really rough evening yesterday night, felt quite low about everything, and even dreamed about my mom being around, which isn't the most pleasant thing to wake up from. I hadn't dreamed about my mom for quite sometime, but I guess when I was feeling so bad about, well, lots of things last night it came into play as well.

In spite of that, and in spite of sleeping so long still-until almost 11:30, when I went to bed a little after midnight, today has been a pretty good day so far. I honestly feel better then I have since December 7th!!!! My stomach feels pretty normal, I'm tired, but not excessively, and my breathing hasn't been too funny. My cold is pretty much gone-I did cough a few times while eating, which wasn't expected, but no issues. I have optimism that this will continue. I think I am about halfway back to normal, which is good!

And now, seeing as I have energy, I must do things like put away laundry, vacuum my floor (it is a disaster) and buy sheets for my dad and sister. Yes, they both asked for sheets for Christmas. Lol. At least it's an easy request. But, my sister has a queen sized bed, so they are not going to be cheap...oh well. It's Christmas, and despite our differences, she's a great sister and I love her.

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