Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mostly more smiles, some :(

Smiles on playing my flute for 20 minutes tonight! Really only the 2nd time I have been able to play my flute at all since December 7th, and the first time that it was really a success. I SOOOOOO badly wanted to play for longer but I felt it would be foolish to push my luck. I'm going to have to be gentle with myself, this is not like some little sore throat or even the nasty stomach viruses I would get as a child, this is going to take time. But, I was still able to! Talk about ecstasy there! Also, I am in my new fleece pajamas, and they are exceptionally comfortable and cozy. Who cares if they are a girl's size and I still had to roll up the cuffs? And, I just listened to Brahms 4th symphony with my dad and had some good conversation time (we often have our best conversations  after 11pm...). AND, I'm going to get to see a friend who I have not seen since the summer (she was out studying 3 provinces away at bible college) tomorrow! So yes, these are all wonderful positivity things.

The only reason I have the :( put down is because my heart is feeling 'shaky', most likely because I had my bath water too hot, and it was a stresser on it. It will settle down though. But, sigh, it's one more thing that I am going to have to alter...or live with.

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