Friday, December 30, 2011

Able to get some work done!

This afternoon, two of my original sides collided in combined productivity...the nerd side of me, and the neat-freak side of me! So, I spent some time this afternoon dusting my room and other small tasks that have been neglected for a while (but still allowed me to mostly sit down-my bed or desk chair reach much of my room!) while listening to my listening excerpts for 20th century! Nerd and Neat Freak combined. I had a bit of a rougher time this evening, falling into the depressed/lonely/anxious/sad/tired trap. So, I wrote in my journal for a few pages giving myself the 'pity party' that an older flute player friend of mine (an education student and mom to a 5 year old-she's in her thirties so has a bit more life experience than me) said we all need sometimes. I figured a few pages of that would help to get it out of my system and I could then be more productive. Which, as it turns out worked. I was able to take some notes for my Research Methods paper on the flute sonatas/works of J.S.Bach. Not as much as I really would have liked to be able to do, but my right hand was beginning to protest. Given how important my hands are to me...I figured that even though my brain could continue focusing, I needed to stop. Typing uses different muscles than writing by hand...

As they say, getting started is the hardest part. I think now that I've made this bit of headway, it will be easier to continue on.

The good news is that I cannot remember any dreams from last night! Given their peculiar nature lately, that is a good thing.

I think that I really need to get out of the house for at least a little while tomorrow. I literally have not been outside since tuesday when I went down to my piano lesson, and when it comes to interacting with friends, well, the closest I come is a very brief conversation with a fellow music student on December 22nd! Outside of the internet world/texting world that is. Which doesn't quite count. Well, I should clarify things. Christmas Eve I saw one of my fellow MYC teachers briefly after the Christmas Eve service at my sister's church, and Christmas day, I naturally saw my sister, and we also had lunch at our close family friend's place. And yes, I am good friends with them. But in terms of contact with people between, say, 18-30...well...that has been lacking! And I definitely need some of that contact! I love my fellow MYC teachers, and definitely look forward to our brunches and other gatherings, and I love seeing the family friends that we had lunch with and look forward to it as well...but there's just something about being with people my own age that I NEED for my soul! Maybe I'll give my friend N. a text or call tomorrow morning and see if she is 'free' to see me tomorrow afternoon. Free as in no one else planning on visiting her/ no passes outside of the hospital. Yes, she's back on the ward.

My ipod on my stereo is right now playing "NYC" from Annie. Brings back good memories from grade 9 when I was in that musical in high school. It was fun playing an orphan!

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