Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So, today was not actually the echocardiogram, it was just meeting with two cardiologists at the clinic. Basically, all I learned that was that my heart murmur was probably a 2 on a scale of 1 to 6 in terms of loudness (so, it was not very loud), and that my potassium had been at 3.3. So, it was a bit low, but it would NOT have been causing the problems.

Because of the shortness of breath, they would like to do a lung function test to test for asthma, but we all agree it's pretty wheezing, no coughing. I'm also going to have a stress test booked. The lung function test is not until March 14th however-I can't even blame them, because they ONLY do them at 1pm on MWF's. I COULD have booked it for March 7th, but that is often music festival week and I don't want to risk anything overlapping. I hate that I'm going to have to miss some of my classes for that day, but there is NO way around it. I also hate that I am going to have to take inhaled steroids to see if things work better afterwards. Hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it! But, again, it has to happen.

I wanted answers today, but I didn't really get any. Still waiting for the other hospital (fortunately easier to get to!) to phone me about the echocardiogram...

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