Sunday, February 3, 2013

You know you are a musician when...

You practice piano wrapped in a shawl and blanket with freezing cold hands because you know the house is warm enough even
 though you are freezing (just you having trouble maintaining your body temperature)

You bring the music stand up from the basement even though stairs are NOT your best friend tonight (sending your head into a tailspin basically) because you can't practice standing up and need to have a place to put the music while you practice whilest leaning back in the comfy, favourite, antique chair.

You listen to four Mahler symphonies in one day.

Yep, that is me. Physically, today has not been amazing. I don't even really want to be sitting up, that's how tired/fatigued/whatever I am feeling, and I've had a really hard time getting/staying warm since this afternoon. I can also tell that I'm not doing so great when my knitting speed slows down on the current prayer shawl I am making. I've had a lot more frustrations with breathing today as well, although not severe. Just wishing I could get an energy shot! Adrenaline, epinephrine, norepinephrine, anything lol. Mostly joking. I know that those would provide only temporary energy and could possibly fatal if not done correctly. PLUS, no one in their right mind would do that.

Time to go play some flute. And then hopefully convince myself to take a shower. I want to, but the idea of standing up for 10-15 minutes, not to mention freezing for a couple of minutes while the water heats up (I don't get under the water, but it's not exactly warm in Canada in the winter) isn't exactly appealing. Maybe a bath, I don't know. Not sure if the tub upstairs is clean enough to do so-I haven't taken a bath in months, just showers in the downstairs bathroom. My dad has been using the upstairs shower, and I've been using the downstairs one. Oh well, things will be figured out. Maybe playing my flute will help wake me up a bit and warm me up.

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