Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tired day

I guess I had a busy week? At least my body today seems to think that I have had a busy week. I finished teaching my classes this afternoon and was pretty much hit with exhaustion. If I lived alone, I probably would have gone to bed at 5pm when I was trying to cook soup, and had to sit down. The soup turned out okay, I do prefer pureed types of soup or stews, but figured it was worth a try. PLUS I used the music symbol-shaped pasta that I got from a student last Christmas. I will probably never have to buy anything music-shaped again unless I stop teaching young students...'s frustrating that my body thinks that it should be exhausted. So tired/exhausted that eating is hard. I had a very small portion of the soup and then got a craving to make a toasted cheese sandwich (not sure why), so I did (in case anyone is wondering, it's the same as grilled cheese except that I don't put any oil/butter/margarine in the pan-it's just bread and cheese done until nicely golden-brown) but being exhausted like this makes it hard to eat even if I get a craving. My brain and blood sugar and what-not may need energy but it seems like my digestive system just shuts down-a frustrating predicament that certainly makes continuing forward on sustained work on rehabilitation/recovery from ED-NOS difficult. When eating becomes a chore, it's not fun at all. And I like cooking, but it's hard to do when you're tired and getting dizzy-ish, which I have been a lot today, even a bit during my teaching. I'll keep an eye on it, but I think it just comes with the exhaustion.

Tonight feels like a night to not move to much from my desk chair. I'm going to finish the sandwich (it's taking a while) and then do some marking, and make sure to go to bed by ten. Any earlier and my dad would probably get concerned...

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