Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Breaking Moment

Every now and then I have a breaking moment. Today's came just a little while ago on the phone with my ICM after discussing what my doctor had tested for this morning.

I'd say that the doctor's visit was semi-productive. My blood is being tested for TSH, T3, T4 and hemoglobin. BUT...some of my symptoms tried to get pushed off as "poor eating" due to ED-NOS.

Really? I've only been doing groups and meeting with the dietician for over two years to FIGHT ED-NOS! Fortunately, I have my dietician's word that really, I'm eating quite well (what I can eat) at this point, so no, my problems are NOT being caused by a lack of fiber.

I'm just, well, to repeat the old phrase, "Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired".

It's not normal to have no appetite
It's not normal for a 22-year-old to need 10-12 hours of sleep, and still crash in the afternoon.
It's not normal to have breathing issues (especially ones that can't be explained by either my heart OR a pulmonary function test)
It's not normal to be so cold so often (yesterday, I kept my coat on through my entire orchestration class. We're talking a big down filled coat here)

Things just don't feel right. And as I made sure to point out to my doctor...I've been pretty good at knowing when things are wrong...

After all the stress leading up to this...I'm just having my little 'breakdown' now. If only my dad wasn't home things would be a bit easier. But I think I'm just going to crawl into bed for a little while and focus on some other things while giving my body a break at the same time.

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