Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today, tomorrow, whenever

Today was not the greatest of days. Very tired/sick feeling all day, still now. I really struggled to eat dinner, had to eat it slowly over the course of almost an hour, and it had to be very gentle foods...actually, it was pretty much what I normally have for breakfast, which is a banana, oats, ground flax seed, and almond milk mixed together. Although I seasoned it with cinnamon tonight instead of molasses.

I was so cold for much of today as well. I checked, and at one point in mid-afternoon, my body temperature was only 97.0 degrees. Not cool body, not cool. Whatever you're doing, would you please either STOP or PLEASE show up on my bloodwork? This can't continue. Really. It can't. I've already mentioned to my flute teacher L the possibility that I may have to graduate in October instead of May if I can't get things sorted out, because keeping up with my three classes-psychology, orchestration, and my History of Antisemitism and the Holocaust class-is hard enough. I've done just a TINY snippet on my major area paper, and while I could graduate (probably-I haven't checked the credits to see) with just a basic bachelor's of music, I want to graduate with the Bachelor of Music (History) degree. It means a lot to me, and I'm willing to delay my graduation (again) to do so if necessary. As B and L keep reminding me, my health does have to be the top priority...much as I would like other things to be higher!

Sigh. Energy, energy, where art thou?

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