Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mondays-a source of joy and pain

Today was one of those up and down days. It started out quite well, meaning that today was a mind-over-mattress day, I caught the 7:10 bus, had my tea on the bus, wasn't almost asleep even though I didn't get readings done on the bus, made more tea and went to practice, which went pretty well for about two hours :) Practising to start the day is pretty much my favourite way...it just makes everything go better, especially when assisted by green tea! I didn't react quite the way I usually do to green tea though, by the end of the two hours, I was a mixture of exhaustion and caffeine-high. This led to a bit of what I like to call "Chicken-With-Head-Cut-Off-Syndrome", meaning that people suddenly see me having to say out loud "Okay, class...notebook, pen, where's my tea" and basically spinning around a bit too much, and forgetting things and having to back, that type of thing. Which led to me not getting my philosophy readings done before 20th century of Music. Oh well. The caffeine high left before the end of 20th century, unfortunately, before 20th century, my lungs got just irritated enough (most likely due to a combination of several factors...a bit of rushing around mentally, walking outside to class, and then getting a bit of smoke in the face, although not like last week thank goodness!) and I felt like I had let the muscle/whatever heal enough that I could let myself 'indulge' in a little coughing...and really, it wasn't even THAT much...but whatever healing had gone on was basically cancelled out. I had put my notebooks down in the classroom and gone back out to cough (I don't like to disrupt as much as possible, and given that I have coughed long enough previously to feel slightly nauseous and definitely light-headed, you get the picture). When I came back in, I was in quite a bit of pain again, and almost started crying, not even from the pain so much as from the fact that I had destroyed the healing that had gone on. It felt like I was starting totally back at square one, and in many ways I am.

It is a good thing that I am pretty adept with my left hand, as certain things are too painful right now when attempted with my right hand, like opening doors, turning on faucets, taking down paper towels...it's not a LONG pain, but it's sudden and sharp. I learned that the hard way today more than once. But, I can still play my flute, even if I can't lift up my tea mug with my right hand at this point. And I can still write with my right hand. If I can do those two things, then I am 'okay'.

I also found out that my sponsor child has moved, and so I am now sponsoring another little child. It happens, but it's somewhat ironic that the World Vision Newsletter I read just one or two days ago talked about this very thing!

The other small point of problem today came in drinking too much water/tea. Probably close to 3000mls of fluid today in an 85 pound person who was not exercising much. Whoops. I did a little research and realized that that's probably why I had a mild headache...and why having more water wasn't taking care of it! So, tomorrow, a bit less.

Riding the bus home at 9:15 tonight to downtown I ended up talking with one of my friends :) B is an amazing person and it was nice to catch up a bit alone. So that was a nice way to end my 13.5 hour day at the university. At least I was able to be productive in that space between 7 and 9:15, hopefully by tomorrow evening I will be able to actually start WRITING my paper and not just researching it!

And now, I'm going to go to bed with those books...

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