Friday, January 13, 2012


I don't know if my lungs are just reacting to the cold or if there is more going on...after coughing quite hard and deep but really non-productively earlier today, my lungs hurt, and it's harder to breath (tighter/hurts a little bit more to try to breath deeply). Coughing might help, but it hurts too...
Right now it's not at the point where I would get it checked out, but I will keep an eye on it. I obviously do not want to come down with bronchitis or worse now!

I ended up not having a coaching today for small ensemble...because my instructor was in a minor car accident this morning :( Fortunately, she SAYS that she is okay, but I really don't know any more details than that. I will be praying for her, and I hope that her car...and anyone okay too.

Sigh. I had to tell my philosophy of music professor that I was not able to be in class this coming monday. Did I mention that I HATE missing classes? But, I have to do it. I have horrific thoughts about 'flunking' my stress test on monday, meaning that I faint or something doing it. Again, this is my imagination being stupid. Still, if anything were to go wrong, being in a heart testing place in the middle of a hospital is pretty much the best place for it to happen.

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