Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 1, 75mg dosage

Yesterday evening, I did up the dosage to approximately 75mg. I say approximately because I combined an old 'half' tablet of 100mg with a 25mg tablet. Well, the absolutely unresistable sleepiness hit a fair amount quicker than it had been hitting with the 50mg. I guess that was somewhat to be expected. And so I fell asleep at approximately 11pm, woke up with alarms at 7:30ish (a perfectly acceptable amount of sleep, even more than most people need) and then proceeded to sleep again until approximately 9am, whereupon my dad reminded me to get up because he had to get to church to set things up for the sunday school class. At that point I was still exhausted and my guess is that had I been left to sleep, I probably would have slept until noon. 

However, I've mostly felt pretty good today energy wise after that point until this evening when I realized that I was getting dehydrated and combined with staring at the computer screen to take notes on a couple of psychology lectures (as a side topic, WOW my psychology professors are trying to cram a LOT into this next midterm exam-4 textbook chapters and a total of NINE online lectures) was the reason that my heart was starting to feel weird along with getting dizzy and having shaking hands. 

So...some degree of productivity today. I will think positive thoughts for that continuing tomorrow even though I must get up at 6:15am! 

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