Sunday, January 13, 2013

Came down with a cold yesterday, although fortunately it wasn't too bad for my teaching-no effect on my voice for singing and what-not. Actually, my morning classes might have been better being cancelled, as we had '9 minutes short of a blizzard' snow-storm, and of my first class, only two students (my set of twins) were there, and one family skyped in. Of the second class, only one was there (thankfully, she is less shy than last year!) and two conference-call skyped in (I don't have the group video chat thing, so it was the 3rd best option). Surprisingly, my six afternoon students were all there, and 5 were on time. And the one who wasn't on time is usually late anyways. I guess having my teaching to distract me helped me forget about the cold coming on, or maybe it just hadn't fully hit yet. I was pretty tired in the evening, went to bed at 10:30, and woke up at 9:30 this morning still exhausted. That's kind of how it's been today. Haven't done very much at all besides get dressed, drink three cups of green tea and eat a bit, watch shows online, listen to music (feeding my Celtic Partita and Mahler addictions) and knit on the prayer shawl I'm working on right now. My to-do list is pretty long right now, but my brain is slightly toast (slightly?) and I'm having unpleasant flashbacks to last December with the exhaustion levels and what-not. It's not quite at that level, but this isn't fun. I'm going to blame my dad for this cold I think as he is the ONLY one I know that has been sick for the appropriate incubation period (it was even slightly too short for my students at only one week-most colds take two weeks to incubate). Besides the fatigue and just that general 'sick' feeling to the body, the cold symptoms really aren't that bad. Basically, I feel as if I were running a low fever but that doesn't seem to be the case. We shall see how this leads...

Personally, I feel as though I have lucked out so far, not having a cold at all during first semester. I don't get the flu shot (even though some medical professionals would probably tell me to) but I have never had the flu unless I had it as a VERY young child-younger than five years old, as I can recall each and every time I missed school, and for what reason (given that it didn't happen that often). This is even when my music friends seem to be dropping like flies from it. Statistically, this does mean that I am less likely to ever get it. Seems that those who get the flu more are more likely to get it...

Dreamed again last night that I was told that I had Mosaic Turner's Syndrome. I just want the results either way now. Waiting is HARD.

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