Saturday, September 11, 2010

First day!

Well, my first day went off without a hitch except for the rain. I think I'm still in summer mode though, and it's a little bit concerning. Last night I thought the planets must be out of alignment because I decided to actually put on makeup! Usually, I wear makeup about two or three times a year...when I'm performing with my orchestra at the concert hall. So this was pretty unusual. But you know what? It felt pretty good, although I had to remember to avoid touching my eyes.

I only had two classes today, Music of the 20th Century and Vocal and Instrumental collaboration. 20th century music is taught this semester by the prof I had for theory one and two, so at least things were somewhat familiar. Vocal and Instrumental collaboration is with a prof I haven't had before but I've heard a lot of good things about him...including from my mom! How, you might ask? He's well enough known to be in the paper from time to time and presided over a ensemble recital that I was in this past November. One of the last times my mom and I went anywhere together, alone. She was just starting in on the testing process but it was already clear she was very ill.

My parents recently had the minister and her husband over to discuss more 'final things'. In this case, the columbarium and urns. And then that night my mom and I talked about funeral-ness. Mostly about who was likey to show up. I know that sounds pretty weird but we just suddenly started going. I was mentioning that the church was probably going to be pretty full...that most of the congregation and adherents would be there, she'd have people attached to her job, and her tai chi, my dad would have people from his area, my sister from her work and her church, my flautist crew and's a pretty small church. I have no doubt things will be pretty full...

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