Thursday, September 2, 2010

Final day!

Tomorrow is my last day working with the kids for at least a little while. We'll see-I may be able to stay on the substitute list. Either way, things change after tomorrow. I made two chocolate wacky cakes tonight to share with the kids and staff tomorrow. Often, when kids have their last day at daycare, they bring a treat, and so I figure that it's perfectly fine to do the same :) I do like baking and don't get the chance to do that too much, so it was fun.

Today was really a pretty good day, all things considered. I took both my flute and my piccolo in and shared them with the kids-talked about the instruments themselves a little bit, let them gently (one at a time!) touch the keys, showed them my metronome and tuner, that type of thing, and then played part of Mozart's concerto in G major first movement on both flute and piccolo so that they could hear the difference! They were surprisingly enthusiastic about the music. It was a lot of fun for me.

After work I met up with a friend who I hadn't seen in almost a year. We were fellow 'inmates' in the hospital together back more than two years ago now and we've shared a special connection-be it through the internet most of the time-since then. She's really struggling too, but in many ways is the best yet, because she's starting to be ready to confront her bulimia and has definitely made very good steps in limiting her alcohol and tobacco and stopping other drugs. Plus, she doesn't cut much anymore, which is very promising. Unfortunately, she probably will have to do at least a few weeks of inpatient treatment which is very, very hard for her to accept because she has spent literally months of her life already in that hospital. However, we are I think in agreement together along with her doctor that at least for a few weeks, doing inpatient and not just day hospital (and certainly not just a group) will probably be the safest way. After all, say she had a really bad day at the day hospital...well, when she left, she could easily go drink herself sick or find someone selling crack etc etc. You can't do that if you're an inpatient-you have the supports there. We had a good talk over our favourite caffeinated beverages (coffee for her, green tea for me) for an hour or so before I had to catch my bus home to go bake the cakes.

A big surprise while I was baking was the phone call. My mom had not had any contact with my uncle(her brother) in MONTHS-not since she got sick, really. Well, tonight he called, and they had a good talk. An important talk. I'd been almost to the point of writing him a letter myself saying how frustrated I was, so I'm very glad he phoned. Though, at first, I figured that something must have happened to a family member (most of our family lives in a different province than us). Fortunately, that was not the case.

Well, I'm up too late anyways. I should have taken my seroquel (medication I take at nighttime that's an antipsychotic that has antidepressive and antiobsessional features that makes me fall asleep as a side-effect/benefit) half an hour ago and be almost asleep by now! I guess the last-day-of-work-tomorrow bit has kind of kept me up...and the baking! One of the only bad parts of today (besides the rain and wind that kept us inside) is that I think I might be getting a cold...and none of the kids at the daycare have even had colds in weeks! A cough/sore throat combination yes, but nothing involving the just seems kind of ironic that I'm maybe getting sick for my last day of work.

"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, work, and faith"

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