Friday, March 23, 2012

My brain is utterly illogical!

My brain is utterly illogical. Instead of working on my two-page concert report, which is really a simple task, I instead did more online research about bicuspid aortic valves, and aortic insufficiency. Oh, and asthma...see why my brain is illogical? Perhaps it's just a VERY frustrated brain. If I have not received a letter letting me know my next appointment date with Dr. H by tomorrow, I am going to phone, because things are clearly not getting better, and I need to know what is going on.

Did I mention that I am also terrified of my body/mind falling apart on me in the next couple of weeks like it did at the end of last semester? NOT wanting that to happen. I deferred things once, I DO NOT want to defer them again!

On a plus note about today, I received the mark back for my Research Methods paper, and I got an A. My professor is somewhat funny though...she is the ONLY professor/teacher I know that can somehow make you feel like you didn't do well when you get an A! Here are her comments that she wrote in the email I received this afternoon...

I have marked your final paper and you received an A.  I would like to sit down and chat with you about your paper and writing in general.  I know that we are all very busy at this time year (me too), but I am willing to meet with you and have a half hour chat.  If this is not possible, I will mail your paper back to N [the secretary in the Music office] and you will be able to pick it up in a few days.  If you would like to get together, perhaps you can call me and we can set up a convenient time.  My phone number is xxx-xxxx

It's the second sentence that makes me nervous! For some reason, I feel like attaching the paper, so I am going to put that in a separate post.

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