Friday, March 2, 2012

Bernstein and a cold...

That pretty much sums up my day. Murphy's law dictated that I started getting a cold last night right after finishing teaching my Moonbeams One class. I tried to deny it, but it did not go away (do they ever?) So, I gave my Bernstein presentation today when just prior to it, all I wanted to do was curl up in fleece jammies with some honey lemon tea and my pillow. I had 0/3 of those, but I at least had red tea, which helped. Surprisingly, the presentation went okay, even though I had been feeling quite a bit dizzy/lightheaded beforehand and was wondering if I was going to have to do the presentation sitting down (as it was a full-class length presentation). Now, I'm just tired, my eyes hurt, my head hurts, I've got that wonderful weird feeling and I wish I had a bed here at the university! Also, I forgot my music folder downstairs in my studio last night, so I am not really able to practice here on campus. I have some Bach, sort of, in that I have the piano parts for all of the Bach flute sonatas here so that I can work on my Research Methods goal is to finish it this weekend. OR ELSE. Even with this stupid cold. So, I can still practice a bit...

Still, it could be worse. I could have come down with this cold next thursday, when I have three music festival performances in one day. OR, I could have developed a rather nasty stomach bug, like one of my good friends (I sent her virtual ginger ale, she sent me virtual honey lemon tea...). In many ways though, I feel like I only just got better from the last cold, even though it has been about a month and a half. Still, the last cold that I had took a long time to recover from....almost a month. I guess what makes the difference is that I was coughing and whatnot in-between.

Well, time to attempt to be productive...after I make some tea. It's a necessity!

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