Friday, March 30, 2012

A good day :)

A good day...

...having my special oatmeal blend cooked up in containers in the fridge so that all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for breakfast
...not fainting during the presentation on Fluxus even though I was in a bit of an episode (don't get me wrong on this, presenting does not really make me nervous, especially not in a group presentation. I actually really enjoy public speaking, which is strange from this former-shy girl and still quite a bit of a introvert)
...getting a notebook and notecards (sigh, this was exciting. Can you tell I'm a die-hard nerd? Although, the notebook was for my practice journal for piano...) tea...lots of it. Also chocolate-vanilla soy milk.
...sparkly shoes. I bought two pairs of sparkly flats on sale at Payless. In addition to the running shoes that I really did need. My friend C. has corrupted me into the sparkly shoe world. Pink sparkly shoes and white sparkly shoes. Both flats. I love flats!
...a nice talk with one of my flute friends, even if she was tired and we didn't dig into anything on either parts.
...not having philosophy, which enabled me to do the highest point of my day which was

GOING TO THE GYM!!!!!!!!!! For the first time since November!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, the signs of being sick were very evident. I've taken breaks about this long before, but never with such deteriorating results. In early November, I was running 3-4 miles, pretty much straight running, and pretty fast. Now, I can't even jog 1 mile. But I still did two miles of jogging/walking/ brief bits of slower-than-my-old normal-running. And I lifted some weights and did some crunches. I'm down to 5 pound weights, but it's better than nothing. And this is a far, far cry from December, when I could hardly lift my tea mug and putting in a load of laundry would finish me for the day. I still often have to stop on stairs if I'm in a breathing episode, but going to the gym if I'm NOT in a breathing episode works.

Nothing yet from the internal medicine specialist. I see my dietician on tuesday and I am also going to book an appointment with my family doctor for that day if I can, to go get my electrolyte levels and what-not checked...and maybe start some treatment for SOMETHING, whether it is heart, or whether we try some inhalers and see if that makes any difference. Otherwise, I am going to have to defer my jury, because there is no way of knowing if I will be in an episode at that point or not, and if I AM, then I will NOT play anywhere near the way I can when I am NOT in a breathing episode. Oye. I went from a high to a low in a few seconds! Okay, I'll end on a high note...

Block Two of Sunrise starts tomorrow! Smiles :)

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