Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sure sign of exhaustion

Last night, although very tired when I went to bed, I was not as 'dead-tired fall asleep instantly' as I typically am when I let myself close my eyes, so I merely snuggled under my blankets on my back for a while, enjoying the comfort. This led to a half-hour period of half asleep/half awake dreams, somewhat disturbing because I kept dreaming/thinking that I couldn't move, or couldn't scream, or walk or whatever. After about that half hour, I realized that I was going to have to turn over and get into my standard sleeping position, because my body was not going to let me fall asleep any other way! Yeesh. Hate those crazy 'awake' dreams.

This is going to be one insane week. Thank goodness next week is reading week, but it's also the level 2 MYC training seminar, plus an appointment with the cardiologist, so I'm not going to be catching too much of a break.

My schedule for this coming week looks a little like this...

Monday-two masterclass assignments due, masterclass performance, extra-long orchestra rehearsal.
Wednesday-orchestra concert (Mahler 4 and Wagner Overture to Die Meistersinger). Journals due for 20th century.
Friday-20th century midterm, wind ensemble concert, and I'm sincerely hoping I can get the Research Methods paper done for then.

So, in total, I have three papers, a midterm, three performances, probably around 300 pages to read and review for friday, plus about 50 pages for Philosophy of Music (not the easiest read) along with the usual practising, lesson planning for four classes, and rehearsals. I am exhausted just thinking about my week...I will not be home before almost 10:30 on any day this week except for thursday-and that is only because I have to teach.

My monday looks like this:

7:03-leave for bus.
7:10-studying for 20th century-listening to some crazy, painful, hard to identify excerpts
8:15-arrival at music building. Free pancake breakfast (happens once a month).
10:30-some sort of studying/paper writing/reading of readings
11:30-20th century
12:30-lunch (probably a struggle...) while again attempting to delve into the massive pile of work. Phoning MYC headquarters. Phoning my dentist to book an appointment
1:30-Philosophy of Music, discussing Adorno.
2:30-Masterclass-two assignments due, also performance of the first two pages of the Gaubert 'Nocturne et allegro scherzando'
3:30-Figuring out how I'm going to swing two festival classes that overlap with Wind Ensemble
4 something-orchestra rehearsal
7:00-attempting to eat dinner
7:30-studying/paper writing/something
9:15-bus home-studying 20th century excerpts (ugh)
10:30-(crash...) arrive back home, promise myself that I will go to bed earlier, but get caught up in doing various things so that at most it's a total of 10 minutes earlier (ie, light likely not out before 1am)

7:03, leave house for bus.
7:10-hopefully stay awake enough to study those excerpts!
10:30-Attempts to get work done
11:30-coaching for small ensemble
12:30-rush across campus to Wind Ensemble rehearsal, hopefully minus too much coughing.
1:00-Wind Ensemble rehearsal
3:45-work in the main library so as to avoid the many distractions in the Music buildings.
9:15-catch bus home (sometime in there, I will attempt to eat)
10:30...repeat of monday.

7:03, bus etc etc
2:30-attempt to get work done
5:22-realize that choir starts in 8 minutes, run across campus
6:30-leave choir early so as to get ready for orchestra concert
7:30-Orchestra Concert!!!!!!
(sometime after 10...) arrive home, exhausted yet on a music high...

8:30-10:30, practice
10:30-rehearse with my guitar player
11:30-Wind Ensemble flute sectional
12:30-rush over to Wind Ensemble
1:00-Wind Ensemble
3:30-rush to catch bus
4:45-stand in lines at Safeway, Bank, and CAA...
5:30-have barely enough time to eat something before teaching, tea will still be too hot...
6:00-teach Moonbeams One class
7:15-reheat tea...procrastinate getting to work until at least 8:30
(sometime after midnight...) realize that I have a midterm and a concert tomorrow...

11:00-minor panic session while making tea
11:30-midterm for 20th century
12:30-commiserate with rest of 20th century class...
1:30-Philosophy of Music
2:30-crash in lounge
4:30-realize that I have to catch a bus in 15 minutes...
4:45-bus to my old high school for concert
6:15-dress rehearsal
(sometime after 10pm) arrive home, again exhausted, but on a music high. Race around crazily in studio trying to get things ready for three classes on saturday.

This is sadly a pretty typical schedule for a music student. As someone once posted on facebook, "When I was 14, I had no idea that getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night would be normal"

You said it, you said it.

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