Sunday, February 26, 2012

Overdosing on tea...and GREAT AMAZING NEWS!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is possible. In that my kidneys do not seem to hold onto electrolytes as well as they should. Meaning that drinking seven cups of tea yesterday and now on my fifth for today, I am starting to show clear signs of a mild imbalance. But at the same time, I am thirsty. This is how it was in the urgent care centre-I probably had about a litre of water, which my kidneys flushed out quickly, which meant that my labwork looked as if I was actually dehydrated, despite the fact that I had had more than two litres of fluid that day. Perhaps my blood sugar levels have been messed up, although given that I am at such a tiny dose of seroquel, it wouldn't be that likely anymore.

I'll clarify that 'cups' of tea means my huge one, which holds more than 400mls of tea. Closer to 500...and my travel mug holds 450mls. I'm not talking little dainty tea cups here!

I'll finish with the GREAT AMAZING INCREDIBLE NEWS!!!!!! My highschool classmate that was diagnosed with the brainstem tumour recently had his 6-week post-radiation followup MRI. The results were nothing short of incredible. Basically, there was NO evidence of the tumour. This is HIGHLY unusual. The radiation oncologists actually double checked that they had the right scan! In the words of the radiation oncologist, he cannot remember the last time he has seen a result like this. My friend will have 6 months of maintenance chemotherapy to ensure that there is absolutely NO cells from the tumour left alive, but this is the closest that you can come to being cured! I know that thousands of us were praying for him...and not just here in our city. I have to say that prayer is sometimes confusing for me, but in this case, God has definitely worked in incredible ways. My friend is clearly meant to do so much more here on earth!

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