Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm going to be honest (as I always try to be in posting!), I am almost more stressed out about my classmate's brain tumour than I was about my mom's cancer. Perhaps it's because with my mom's, I didn't really have time to dwell on anything, I just had to keep going. Now, it's summer, and he's not a member of my family or a close friend that I would try to be there for all the time, and well, that leaves me a lot of time to ruminate. I hate rumination.

I feel very deeply for his family...having gone through something sort-of similar not that long ago, I have an idea of what's going on. The difference is that he is 21 and my mom was 53 at diagnosis.

The amazing thing in all of this is how it has brought my graduating class back together, albeit on facebook, including some students who did not graduate with our class but were members of our class for some of the six years between grade seven and grade twelve. United in prayer via the internet. N is such a strong guy though, and has a very deep faith, very positive person overall. May this positivity carry him through his surgery tomorrow and whatever else is in store for him. And PLEASE let this be a benign tumour. I know enough about brain tumours to know that if it's malignant and in the brain stem, he has an almost certain death sentence of less than 3 years. We have a special radiation option in my city called the Gamma Knife, I hope that that is an option in his case, as surgical removal from the brainstem is almost always impossible.

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