Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tired, tired, tired

Yesterday was a challenging day to say the least. It just wasn't my day! From finding out that my blood work was 'normal' (although I must say that my T4 was definitely on the low end of normal if the range was 13-22 and mine was 15) to having to finish a paper (although it is the last 'normal' paper of my degree, all I have left is my major area paper), to getting completely DRENCHED by a truck when walking back to the bus from my rehearsal with my accompanist to not even being able to eat dinner because of time constraints, to having my feet nearly freeze while waiting for the bus downtown at 10pm to go home etc just wasn't my day.

I am a little bit disappointed that I woke up too late today to go downtown for noon to hear my History of Antisemtism professor speak at the other major university in the city on the topic of Zionism and Israel and other things for...I can't even remember the name of this week. I feel like I've let myself AND my friends/classmates down, although I hear that it will be posted online as well.

Tired, tired, tired. That describes how I feel right now. Yesterday I managed to keep pushing through and going. Take that "it's all in your head" people who would try to say that all my symptoms are because of stress. Funny, because typically when I'm under more stress (ex, the day or two before a paper is due) I have FEWER symptoms-ex, more energy, I don't have any of the breathing problems, I sometimes even get *GASP* small feelings of hunger, no headaches etc. I'm not exactly sure what that means. I don't like those stress days because they are mentally tiring...but they come because on non-stress days (which ARE the VAST majority) I am too tired/otherwise not feeling great to get enough done to prevent the stress days! After getting totally drenched by the truck yesterday I TOTALLY let out a bit of a primal scream. It was somewhat satisfying...

My one festival class is later this afternoon. Time to finish planning my Moonbeams Two class.

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