Sunday, March 31, 2013

A 'typical' prairie easter...?

A typical prairie Easter. Our power cut out last night around 12:30am. Yes, I was still up. I was bound and determined to get my laundry put away. I had a Chopin nocturne playing on my stereo and it suddenly stopped. I was working by candlelight, so I didn't know that the power had gone completely out for a second or two. Usually, power comes back on pretty quickly. Well, not today. Today, it didn't come back on until 12:30 pm. So much for the turkey that was thawing in the fridge. It had to go out and my dad's girlfriend K had to bring over the main dish for them. It made me realize just how much we use electricity. I couldn't vacuum, I couldn't do laundry, I couldn't make green tea (the hardest part). Just when I was about to walk a kilometre to Starbucks (because I seriously cannot live without green tea) the power came back on...with a BEEP from our alarm system that made me jump six inches!

Oh...and we also got SNOW again today AND last night. But no, that was not what cut the power out. Oh no, it takes more than a centimetre or two of snow to make Canadian prairies lose their power! Unfortunately, it was not enough snow to fill the potholes. Yes, we have POTHOLES like crazy now. Bad enough that my dad's new car had one of the tires come off the rim last night on our way home from the symphony (Mozart's Requiem-delightful!). Well...that is life. I got my green tea, got to put in laundry and dishes (not having to wash by hand, although I would have done that), got to bake hot cross buns and sweet potatoes...did I mention I got my green tea?! Very essential part of this gal's life. And the heat came back on as well. THAT was nice too, as it was cold-just below 15 degrees C in the house. I survived, but it wasn't exactly warm. Apparently, there were power outages in quite a bit of the city...something about a fire? I still don't know and understand exactly what happened. Just am thankful again for electricity.

The blessing of a power outage on Easter.

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