Thursday, September 1, 2011

Having a 'new teacher' moment!

Okay, so this evening, I have been having a new teacher moment, probably exacerbated by my very busy-but productive-day down at the university! So,  indulge me for a minute as I say that this is where I am going AHHHHHHH!!!!

When you are one week away from starting your classes and:
-your classes aren't quite full
-you have yet to receive the registration money for one student and are worrying that they won't have their materials for the first day of class
-your studio isn't ready yet
-you don't have the piano yet, and are worrying that you won't be able to arrange to have in the room in time
-the piano tuner can't come until November 29th
-a family backed out (and they seemed like an excellent MYC family) (granted, this was for a family emergency)
-a family didn't show up to your meeting, and you'd already rearranged it for them because they had missed it once
-you are beginning in all of this to doubt your abilities in teaching keyboard...

That is when you are having a new teacher moment!

Add to it my day down at the university...after having a somewhat interrupted night last night-first by the thunderstorm (YES YES YES YES YES on receiving close to an inch of rain!) at about 3:30am, then by a disturbing dream involving the Borg (can't even attribute that to watching Star Trek before bed), and then by having to wake up earlier to catch the bus...well...

In terms of things that were accomplished, the day went as follows

9:45...arrived at the university, had a nice time talking with fellow flutes practise rooms, so I end up practising in the front entry way, sitting cross legged (not great for the back) with my music propped up against my backpack and flute case
11:10...went to the bookstore to buy textbooks and agenda book, two textbooks are not in stock, neither are the notebooks that I like. The strain from carrying around heavy books begins
11:40...stood in line for 10 minutes to buy bus pass
12:40...paid tuition fees (this was actually the easiest part of the day)
1:00...stopped by music office to ask about doing piano through the prep studies, then found out that I do need to re-apply for the grader/marker position
1:10...looked up the positions online, found out that many of them were not listing the NAME of the course, so I have to dig around in the course catalog to find the course numbers so that I know what positions to apply for
1:25...fighting with the printer...
1:30...filling out the form...thank goodness for N in the office for reminding me that I needed to add a phone number
1:35...happily finding out that my gym clothes are still in my locker after three months (they were clean), along with my locker stash of tea
1:40...renewing my gym pass (horrah for student prices)
2:10...caught bus home, found out just how heavy my backpack (should not have brought a teacher manual (MYC) as reading weighs a ton) is, especially with the new textbooks, and how awkward it is to be carrying my backpack, my flute, and my gymbag.
3:20...finally home. Told by my dad to check my voicemail as my former flute teacher had just phoned him to tell me to check
3:25...checking voicemail, quite on edge, because I end up super concerned that I have not made Wind Ensemble, and my teacher is phoning to ask me what on earth happened and what my plans are
3:30...finding out that I have made Wind Ensemble, and that my teacher is phoning to ask if I'm interested in the third spot for orchestra...conversation arising over that, in the end, after quite a bit of discussion, I decided to follow my first instinct and stay with Wind Ensemble, but said that if there was a piece or two that needed an additional flute (as sometimes happens), I would be happy to do that.
4:00...finally able to stop spinning, but only briefly...
7:00...waiting...and waiting...and waiting...for a family that never shows up.
8:00...phoning family and finding out about the emergency and therefore one less student.

What a day. Tomorrow, please be less eventful?

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