Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GLAD that this day is over!

Today has NOT been the greatest day. It STARTED okay, I slept a bit longer than I'd planned to, but was still up by 8am, when I decided that I would do a little tidying, and then practice at home instead of going in to school to practice. Great, I thought. It's a beautiful day out and I can have my window open and enjoy the sun in my sunshin-ey room while practicing hearing only MYSELF practicing vs. the dark, dusty, no-outside-light, hearing-everyone and their trombone-practice rooms at the faculty. I got a good hour or so in, packed up my music, and left the house to catch my bus. Then, the problems started. My first bus, the one that takes me downtown was seventeen minutes late. I'd heard a brief bit on the 9am news that there were some traffic issues going on, but I didn't really give a second thought-I figured it would be all cleared up by the time I caught my first bus at 10:10. Well, once on the bus, I learned that the bus problem was bigger than just being 17 minutes late. Turns out it wouldn't have helped to catch an earlier bus...there hadn't been one since at least 9:15 (which my friend who got on five stops later told me-he had been waiting since 9:20 at his stop). So, there began the bus backlog. I get on right by the start of the route, so I had a seat, but I also had a very heavy backpack, and couldn't put it down on the seat beside me because of the fact that the bus was full from very early on. So, sore legs began to ensue. Then, because the bus was late, it took about 50% longer to get downtown. Thus, I got downtown more than half an hour later than usual. AND, of course, the next bus, the Super Express bus that I take down to the university, WAS NOT running late. So, that left me with the not-super-express bus, which WAS running late. In the end, when I got to the university, it was almost 12:00, and I usually get there at 11:10 for my 11:30 class. And, of course, this class had to be the one that's a good hike from the bus stop. NOT so much fun. As well, along the way to my class, I felt a certain familiar feeling in my right leg, which led to another unpleasant happenstance later on, but I won't go into detail about that. So, I come into class half an hour late, and of course, it's the class that's going over the previous class, which went right over most of our heads. A class I really did NOT want to miss part of. Then, at the end of class, we get our assignments back. This class is 20th century, which I took until early October last year, and did the first assignment for. Last year, I got 98% on the first assignment. This time, I got 87%. Not a bad mark, a B+ and all, and plenty of students would have liked that mark, but it's not my typical standard, and I really had set myself up to do better than that. Well, it did upset me, and I was already in a bit of a state anyways. After that, yes, when talking with a fellow flautist friend about it, I did end up crying and then upset with myself for getting overly emotional. I was also feeling somewhat ill, tired, sore, not wanting what I'd packed for lunch, and really wanting a comfy place to lie down...and knowing that I wouldn't get a chance to lie down until getting home at 9pm.

Now, obviously, I've had much worse days. September 30th of last year comes to mind, as does October 31st, November 1st, November 2nd, November 5th, late May through mid June of 2008, you get the picture. But today was one of those days when you do wish you could go back to bed and start all over. Tomorrow, please be kinder to me? Especially with my lower back between carrying around the heavy backpack and other things has been quite sore/achy/tired since around, well, 12:00 today and all those hard plastic chairs, wooden piano benches in practice rooms, bus seats have not been kind to it.

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