Sunday, April 15, 2012

Relief (sort of)

My professor understood. Even though my computer has now had to be shut down several more times because of freezing up, my paper is gradually getting finished. It is NOT aided by my 'normal' symptoms of problems breathing (non-satisfying breaths), being tired, lack of appetite/nausea (it took me until almost 9pm to manage to eat dinner), mild stomach pain/discomfort and mild chest pain/discomfort. So I'm not beating myself up over this. It will get done, and it will be in by tomorrow morning. If I do end up losing 3% I am not going to kick myself over it. This has not been an easy semester, and the fall will provide a fresh start, with four less teeth and hopefully some better health and a better way of dealing with things.

Oh that's right...I never mentioned the dentist appointment on wednesday. I'm one of those strange people that actually finds getting my teeth cleaned to be quite relaxing...most likely because I cannot do anything besides put my feet up and listen to music for at least 30 minutes! Not exactly something I do very often without feeling guilty. Plus, I love the dentist-clean feeling. It's awesome. So, imagine my disappointment when I find out that they won't clean my teeth until they get the okay from my internal medicine specialist! Urgh! The only thing that they would do was the x-rays. Well. I have four-count em'-four wisdom teeth that are all in the process of impacting in one way or another. My bottom ones are impacting in a way known as incomplete eruption, which makes them highly susceptible to infection (which is why I mentioned my concern over them, and which is what got my dentist concerned, because I had to explain my heart valve). This is less complicated than the top teeth however, which are beginning to grow in under my back molars. I saw the x-rays, and it was actually pretty creepy-I could see the roots starting to be pushed aside. Those wisdom teeth need to go...and soon. But...I NEED to know what is going on with my heart/lungs before getting them removed! Talk about a tricky picture...I can't go under anaesthesia not knowing what's up, but I can't leave the teeth, especially the top teeth, there for too much longer before they are likely to start causing bigger problems. Perhaps my dentist will have more success reaching my internal medicine specialist than I have had! Needless to say, once my exams are over on wednesday and after thursday I start trying to get in to see my family doctor again.

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