Sunday, October 9, 2011


Despite the extreme amount of stress that I am under for this coming week-my first set of journals for Research Methods, my first paper for research methods, a mammoth 20th century assignment, Opera History midterm and Wind Ensemble concert are all this week-I am thankful for countless things...some of them surprising

-I am thankful for the gift of music, for the gift my parents gave me of music lessons and forcing me to continue during that rough year or two, for the patient and wonderful teachers I have had in music over the years, for the numerous opportunities I have had to perform, for the experience of honour bands, national bands, international music camp, music festivals etc...for the chance to go to Music School, and for the wonderful career I now have teaching the very program that started my musical journey, Music for Young Children
-I am thankful, once again, for the caring doctors, nurses, and support staff of all kinds (chaplains, medical assistants, blood technicians etc) that cared for not only my mom, but the rest of my family when we walked, ran, were dragged through, pushed, and pulled through her cancer journey
-I am thankful for the support of friends and church members who were there for us in too many ways to count, from visiting to cooking meals, to knitting her prayer shawl, to taking my mom to a couple of appointments that my dad was unable to, to praying (very thankful on that one), for sending cards, emails, donations to the charities we listed, for showing their respect and shared grief by filling the church fuller than it has been in years at her funeral (we probably exceeded safety limits...)
-I am thankful for the love of my friends, both from my high school crew and from my Faculty of Music...and even some from before my grade seven year-all of whom showed their love and support to me when they found out. For some, they did not find out until November 2nd or shortly thereafter, others were with me from the beginning of the journey in November 2009. But each one, when they found out, somehow knew just the right way to respond, and made it known that I was not alone-despite how alone the journey often felt.
-I am thankful for the free medical care that we are blessed with in Canada. The system may have it's issues, but each and everyday I am thankful that in such great stress, we did not have to worry about medical costs. Parking, food, and things like Boost for my mom were enough to be concerned about.
-I am thankful for the amazing bunch of teachers that I share my career with. They truly go out of their way to make sure that everyone is supported every step of the way, whether it's answering questions or even providing games or other materials that they no longer need (like the entire set of critter and music alphabet stamps that one teacher gave me-it probably would have cost me at least $45 to buy them!)
-I am thankful for the amazing professors, librarians, and, of course, our wonderful secretary/administrative assistant, aka the FoM grandmother. N ALWAYS has a smile, the answer to your question (or who will have the answer), likes to know what's going on in your life, gives encouraging messages, and basically runs the FoM. What we'd do without her I do not know-and don't want to find out!
-I am thankful for the gifts of art, literature, and entertainment that help me relax. To me, one of the ways I know there is God is the vast creativity that the human brain is capable of.
-I am thankful that there is a transit system in my city that gets me where I need to go, like the university each day. It may have its problems, such as taking me an hour or more to commute, but it is generally on time and is much less expensive than driving
-I am thankful for the beauty that we call fall...including occasionally acting as a young child and crunching leaves, jumping in them etc (call it stress reduction)
-I am thankful for the construction crew that has done a very good, albeit slow, job at finishing the basement, including my music studio. It may not be done yet, but it is beautiful, and perfect.
-I am thankful that I can sleep at night, even if it is assisted by seroquel. I hope to get off of it once I am done my bachelor's degree, but we'll see. In the meantime, it ensures that I sleep, which, I have discovered, is very vital for me.
-I am thankful for the bible so that I can read about God's love
-I am thankful for the safety of living in a free, democratic and non-war-torn country, one where I have a roof over my head (that doesn't leak), food whenever I need it (even if I don't want it), and very little risk of injury or natural disaster. Where I live, there basically are no earthquakes, hurricanes, even if they could come this far in would just be a minor rainstorm, and we are waaaay too far away from the coast to get tsunamis. Blizzards and tornados are a risk, yes, but tornados are less of a risk as I am not in a rural area or on the very edge of the city.
-I am thankful that I have the ability to help a child out through Child Sponsorship. Yes, it means that I spend $40 a month that I could easily put towards other things, but not things that are more important, really. I received a letter from my little sponsored girl on friday...she is six years old, lives in Mozambique and wants to be a nurse. She asked me if there are lots of hospitals where I live. I am not quite sure how I am going to approach that question, but yes, there are lots of hospitals where I live...
-I am thankful for the 20 years I had with my mom, and the 21 years I have had so far with my dad and sister. Family may annoy, frustrate, confuse, or even enrage from time to time, but they are family.
-I am thankful that in the end, my mom did not endure a great deal of pain. I have followed many cancer stories, and read about many cancer deaths at this point, and when reading them, I am always thankful that my mom's passing was not excruciating, as is quite common with cancer deaths.
-I am thankful for my students, whom I care about deeply and want to see succeed in their music classes and in life. So far, I have had very good students and parents in terms of personality.
-I am thankful for the freedom to be Christian and not be worried about persecution and even death.
-I am thankful that my church is doing well, despite having an older-than-average population age.
-I am thankful everyday that my dad is supporting me in more ways than I can count and not forcing me out on my own while I start my career and finish university.
-I am thankful for the junior high/high school that I attended and all the amazing teachers who helped me out in so many ways.
-I am thankful for my city's orchestra, which provides me with a wonderful musical experience at least once a month.
-I am thankful for the right to vote and drive, things that we tend to take for granted that so many women are still denied.
-I am thankful for the right to dress in ways that are right for me and not be covered in such a way that I become invisible.
-I am thankful for all those appliances that make life so much easier, like washing machines, microwaves, refrigerators. We take them for granted, but then you read the World Vision catelouge and it reminds you that you are among a minority, not a majority.
-I am thankful for the gift of literacy.
-I am thankful for the varied seasons, despite the extremes.
-I am thankful for the ability to share love with others, such as knitting, teaching, and performing.

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