Monday, May 27, 2013


Breathing. Such a simple, thought-free part of life.

Until it isn't.

I've had breathing issues since November of 2011. It's what originally tipped me off that something just wasn't right, part of what sent me to Urgent Care, which then led to being referred to Internal Medicine due to my heart murmur, which led to the discovery of my congenital heart valve defect, which led to being referred to genetics, which led to getting tested for Turner's, which led to being diagnosed with Turner's.

So in a strange way I'm grateful for breathing difficulties...

But 99% not grateful for it.

The past four days I've had increased difficulties. I wake up fine in the morning, and will usually have the difficulties triggered at some point. Friday it was triggered by walking to and from the library (about 5.4km round trip). It was mostly okay while walking, but when I got home it didn't let up and really got worse in some ways. Yesterday, it was triggered by doing just a short time of parachute activities with the children at the Teddy Bears Picnic. It made me extra tired (which I already was with dealing with the crowds) and made me withdraw even more into myself and not feel like I was representing MYC properly. And it didn't really stop until I went to bed and fell asleep.

Today it's been going on for some time now. Since early afternoon, as I remember breathing a bit this way on the bus. Very annoying and frustrating. Not to mention anxiety provoking. It makes it harder to eat, it's exhausting and I'm just plain sick and tired of it. It's uncomfortable too.

Time to go to bed and hopefully breathe better by falling asleep.

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