Sunday, November 13, 2011

One year teaching anniversary!

Today (November 13th) marks my one-year teaching anniversary. Last year on November 13th, still very raw, I began teaching Sunrise, the prekeyboard level of Music for Young Children. It was a very bittersweet day...a very fulfilling experience, but the person who I was dying to share it with was gone. My mom, the one who took my sister and I to, in total a combined ten years' worth of MYC lessons (not to mention years and years of driving, attending, and paying (!) for recitals, flute and piano lessons, concerts, camps, rehearsals...thousands of times driving me to music events) and who was the biggest proponent of the program besides MYC teachers that I have yet to meet. ANY time she was talking to someone and they suggested even the faintest interest in their children taking music lessons, she would talk about the MYC programs and why they were so amazing. When I recently went on a photo hunt for pictures of just my mom and I, one of the only ones I could find was of us at christmas time when I was five and she is wearing her MYC sweatshirt. She was still wearing that sweatshirt when I was 19 (more than 10 years after my graduation from the program)...she might have even worn it when I was 20, but I'm not sure. All I really remember her wearing when I was twenty were her fleece pajama pants (the waists horribly stretched out from her swollen stomach) and then hospital gowns.

I don't think a class goes by when I don't want to talk about what we were doing with my mom, or share one of the crazy things that the kids did. At least I have my fellow MYC teachers, and to a lesser extent my dad and friends to share this joy with.

My brain has changed since becoming an MYC teacher...I am a dollarama addict, a sticker-aohlic, I talk to animals like birds, dinosaurs, elk, I can dance (five-year-old style), I frequently sing in minor thirds, and I spend my friday evenings singing songs about how crescendos are fun and Beethoven, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my job.

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