Tuesday, December 6, 2011


That's what a statement by some health official was. The CDC apparently did some study and found that having more than two sexual partners in a year made a person much more likely to have an STI (no real surprise there) and that this therefore made them more dangerous as an organ donor. I did not take any offence to those statements, what I took offence to was the way another part was approached, mostly this statement: "We'd then have to consider all college-age people as unsafe". HELLO? Um, talk about a huge over-generalization there!

I did in fact post that I, and many of my friends, thank-you very much were NOT in that sort of situation, meaning that a number of us are still virgins (although I do not really like that term), some are engaged (and still virgins, actually), and others are married or engaged and in completely monogamous sexual relationships. Yes, perhaps we are a minority, but a very significant one, really. Of course, this led to others then examining me, and saying that it wasn't normal to have never had a relationship once you were past sexual maturity, and the most ludicrous of all, that I must be 250 pounds and 'frugly' (to quote). Hardly. 4'9 and 82 pounds at the last weigh-in thank you very much. I actually laughed slightly at that, although those types of comments can be highly triggering.

Some thought that I must be pressured by my church or family to be this way. Nope. My parents did basically have a no-dating guideline while I was still in high school, but it was never actually spoken out-right, and you know what, I agreed with it then, and I do now. My church has never pressured me, and my school, although they did make their views clear, were not pressuring us either. I feel INCREDIBLY confident and strong in my beliefs about my sexuality and lack of sexual activities. I LIKE who I am, I love what I do. I am strong and independent, and I am trusting that God will guide me to the right person, either through a chance meeting, an introduction from a friend, or in some other way, like feeling that getting onto a Christian dating website is the right thing to do. I am not a recluse by any means, I have plenty of friends, many of them guys, I teach, I go to the gym, I do lots of things! Yes, I take a little longer to warm up to people, but that's not a crime. I accept it as part of my introverted qualities.

I am me, and I am happy with who I am, for the most part. Yes, I would like to be a bit more productive sometimes (who wouldn't?!), and yes, I do struggle with feeling fat or getting irritated by stress acne (not even that severe, but it still urks me), but in general, I would not change me. I'm even comfortable with my height! So what if I occasionally have to climb grocery store shelves?

I think it really reflects poorly that people don't believe anymore that a university-age student can be (for lack of a better term) pure, and yet still be happy and healthy and normal. My beliefs on sexual activity have been firm since I was about twelve years old. No one told me them, I decided for myself based upon what I felt was right...yes, some of that guidance came from teachers, and from the bible. But really, teachers, parents, and pastors are part of God's work in our lives to guide us-at all ages growing up, and in adulthood as well.

My body is a gift from God, and someday, if I chose to get married, I will have a special gift to share with my husband...my full heart.

And I said IF. I am confident that I can be happy no matter what path God has set for me, even if it is remaining single forever. It's worked for plenty of people before :) I don't need a relationship with a guy to complete me. Besides, of course, my relationship with Jesus!

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