Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last day of fall semester

Yesterday was the last day of fall semester, which I spent studying and doing two midterm exams, one for my intro to psych class, and one for my History of Antisemitism and the Holocaust class. I know that I got at least one mark wrong on my psychology exam, because I mixed up infradian and ultradian biological rhythms (and the sad thing is that I KNEW this before the exam! ARGH!), and I feel like I could have constructed my essay on my History of Antisemtism exam better. For instance, I got on the bus and realized "Oh, I could have talked about Constantine briefly as well". I'm trying to put them out of my head, but it is not the easiest thing to do. matter how the exams went yesterday, my last day of classes this year was certainly better than my last day of classes last year. Last year, my last day of classes ended with my heart going crazy, my friend practically dragging me down to urgent care, waiting 4 hours because they probably thought I'd had a panic attack (WRONG!!!) and having everything spin out of control the second that the doctor listened to my heart. Anything would be better than having a STAT EKG called for me...which is what happened last year when they actually evaluated me properly and found out that I should likely have been at the top of the list and not at the bottom. Sore throats and sprained ankles went ahead of me, which just goes to show that the medical system can be a little bit messed up sometimes. When a person comes in with breathing issues and having had an arrythmia tachycardia episode yet waits four hours behind colds and twisted ankles. Hmm...

Once they actually got to me, they took care of me well though. Later this month I see the geneticist, and maybe things will finally, completely, make sense. I miss my old energy and sleep requirements. I don't like it when I can't breath well. And I don't like how hard it can be to eat right when I need nutrition and energy the most. Like yesterday, for instance, before my exam. A two hour exam, so I knew I needed to eat something. But all I can manage to eat is a little cup of applesauce...and it takes about 10 minutes. Stress can make my heart muck up a bit, which in turn makes my digestive system muck up, which means that I can't eat well, which means that I lose weight. My weight this morning was 84 pounds...yeah...1.5 pounds underweight. Whoops.

I now don't have anything until December 18th, which is my History of Music in Canada exam, and when I anticipate my prof is going to want the essays in as well. I'm meeting with him tomorrow to discuss both that paper and my major area paper. Yeah, that's kind of going to have to be a focus of second semester, which is why even today, I am going to work on history of antisemitism readings. I need to get ahead NOW for the winter semester.

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