Thursday, December 27, 2012

Heartaches and joy (or perhaps merely relief)

Amidst my processing of the genetics appointment today, I received an email from one of my fellow teachers, informing me of everyone's worst nightmare: earlier this month, one of her students was killed in a car accident...on his way to his lesson. The reason she sent me the message-besides probably needing to process a bit-is that she wanted to be sure I knew about the possible risks of a small person sitting in the front seat of a car, because (although she hasn't heard for certain, she is pretty sure it is this way) it appears that her student was killed by the airbags in the front passenger seat. He was seven years old, and one of her Sunbeams Two students.

Processing the possibility that I may have a syndrome that will prevent me from having children, and processing this bit of information about a fellow was hard. Especially in combination I guess. And the way that the email singled me out as being small, when I'd just spent an examination trying to figure out if there was a reason why I was small!

All of this meant that I didn't finish my paper for History of Music in Canada as early as I wanted to, but it is finished, and emailed off to my professor. First semester is now finished...

One semester until I graduate. Freaky.

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