Sunday, February 17, 2013

Rough day...really rough

I probably brought SOME of the rough day on myself, because I stayed up until after 1am last night getting discouraged reading about hypothyroidism online. I never learn, do I, about reading about my medical conditions/possible medical conditions online late at night!

Anyways...that meant I woke up at 11:30. Whoops. Big whoops. Really big whoops.

I've felt pretty miserable all day, and developed a headache, probably somewhat due to dehydration/lack of green tea that really knocked me out of commission. Around 5pm I crawled into my bed, downed some tylenol and shivered under my blankets with my eyes closed listening to MASH (watching hurt my right eye in particular, and I couldn't have my glasses on while lying down because it hurt my head). Now, note that my house was NOT freezing cold, and that I was in a warm sweater and jeans, and have four blankets on my bed including a thick wool blanket. My hands and feet were FREEZING despite all the blankets. I took my temperature, and I was at only 97.7...

Clear signs of hypothyroidism. Which is why I am phoning for an appointment on thursday. I can't let 'good days' on tuesday and wednesday where I wasn't freezing cold all the time, could sit up and work, and didn't have to lie down for a long time let me forget about the bad days.

My friend B has hypothyroidism caused by her radiation and chemotherapy for lymphoma, and my friend K is being tested for hypothyroidism. Both are encouraging to me...

Days like this, like right now, where I can't really turn on the lights because it's too painful and where I'm freezing really do get to me...

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