Thursday, September 6, 2012

First day

Although I don't plan for it to be my last year of university, it's possible that today was the last 'first day' of my academic career. Had a bit of an experience with my History of the Soviet Union a couple of ways I guess. One, having rushed over from the music building to where this course is held, I first had to find the classroom-and I've never had classes in that building before. But the biggest issue was that the instructor before my class had written Espanol 1276 on the board, which certainly confused me a bit. Oh well. The other was the professor who self-professed that he can be, at times, a grouchy old man. And disorganized. That last bit concerns me a bit! 

I got my travel arrangements made-I am flying down to Augusta to see my high school friend C get married on September 29th! Now I have to go to the passport office tomorrow to get that in order. And then dress shopping! Everything really came together in the flights, although the times aren't that great. I wish I could reverse the times...leave my city early in the morning and get in sometime around 12:30 on the friday September 28th, and then leave Augusta at about noon and get into my city at about 8:30 at night on the sunday September 30th. Well, at least I can get down there. It could definitely be worse. 

Taught my first ever class of Moonbeams Two tonight, which was pretty good. I think I'm just not feeling confident enough yet. Maybe with the next lesson. And it was the first lesson, it takes a little while for a group to properly 'gel' and all-two students coming from my Moonbeam Two class, and one a transfer student from an MYC teacher who has decided to stop teaching MYC. She's a little bit younger because she started at age 5 in Sunbeams One instead of starting at 7 1/2 in Moonbeams One. I think my coordinator M was right when she said that one of the hardest things you will ever have is a transfer student! It's good that I got her, and I will work to be a good teacher for her, and I guess my feeling of being judged will disappear soon. Because likely, they weren't even judging me that much. 

Anyways...after baking both chocolate muffins and easy brownies for my dad's toastmaster group tomorrow I think I am ready to have some red tea and knit while watching MASH or Star Trek. Yep, because I'm cool that way. 

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