Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today's Appt!

Well! Today's appointment went quite well-the best of the three I have had so far. The blood test went super fast and easy, and my ultrasound was nearly painfree, even the insertion of the ultrasound probe. The actual moving around was a little bit uncomfortable due to pressure but nothing horrible.

The shocking news of today? I was ready for the last step of the procedure, the HCG shot-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is the shot that matures the eggs for retrieval. Although I had heard from some that it hurts, it really didn't. I've got the rice pack that was in my freezer sitting on my leg however, and it is certainly chilling me, so maybe that helped?

Anyways. The injections are done. For anyone scared of injections, the actual injection is simple, and nearly painfree.

The stupid thing about the HCG injection is two part: One, you are given a bottle with 10ml of sterile water for dilution, yet you only need to draw up 1ml. Seems wasteful to me. Second, it is pretty much impossible to get ALL of the dose out of the mixing bottle because it is TOO BIG. Stupid. I tried for twelve minutes, and finally gave up with the last tiny bit. I hope that it is okay.

Anyways, it is done.

That part at least. Friday is the procedure, at approximately 9:30am, although I have to be there at 8am. Because I am somewhat complicated, what with my size, small veins, possible genetic narcotic sensitivity, and latex sensitivity, they wanted me there a bit earlier than normal. I'm glad they are taking my health into consideration!

I haven't felt super amazing today. Last night as I was doing my meds, I felt like my throat was weird, and sure enough, when I looked at it in the mirror, one side was red streaked. I've had a student coughing over me his past three lessons, and I would guess that is what is happening. So on top of being extra careful due to my big ovaries, a bit of fatigue from the meds, and some achiness all over (possibly from the meds, possibly from the virus) I now have a virus taking hold in my body! Ugh! If it could have picked a worst time, I think the only way it could have would have been for a flute exam. Seriously.

So I've felt tired, all-over-achy (my arms feel like I have been lifting super heavy weights, which I definitely have NOT been doing), a kind of wonky throat, some flushing/chills (normal when I first start getting a virus), and then some minor stomach issues, and my busy day...well...I am ready for bed! Today I have travelled ten kilometres TO the clinic, ten kilometres back, 14 km to my flute lesson, seven km to the university from there, and then twenty km back home. Whew! I had my appt, a flute lesson, a piano lesson, a voice lesson, and then went and picked up my meds. More than 14,000 steps have been logged on my phone in addition to all that travelling on the bus.

My short-term memory is sometimes a little bit foggy, so I have been compensating by repeating things in my lessons and what-not. It works.

Well, that's all for now.

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