Friday, June 14, 2013


Since April, I have felt like I've been in a complete tailspin. I realized on tuesday that what I've been feeling emotion that I know very well. Grief.

Grief over the very strong probability of infertility. My friend B, who had a bone marrow transplant put the words exactly thus..."It's like all your future children dying to find out about infertility".

Maybe this would have been easier had I heard it when I was younger. Or maybe it would have simply pushed me to suicide attempts at a younger age.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lost Adventures of Childhood


Watch...and realize that one, we are doing our children harm, and two, we can easily correct it. Never been so happy that my parents would not allow us to do organized sports. Well, my sister did gymnastics, but it was NOTHING like what these children are describing. And I'm also happy that the program I teach does not require much time from children (depending on level, 5-30 minutes 5 days a week).

Very glad that I was at the tail-end of 'free' childhood. They're right. I KNOW that children live in my neighbourhood...but I don't usually see them out very much.