Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thoughts for the day

Thoughts to remember for January 9th, 2013.

14 hour days at the university are long

I need to sleep a bit more on tuesday nights

Empty practice rooms = excessive joy (almost to the point of dancing in the hallway)

7 minute psychology classes equalling a 30 minute round trip of walking = some frustration

Few hunger cues = difficulty eating

Productivity in the faculty of music library = almost zero (and WHY I never seem to remember this after almost five years there is beyond me)

I officially worry too much about grades (that George Steiner paper I was freaking out about received an A)

My body on 16 hours away from my house seems to officially hate me...spent most of the day either quite thirsty, suffering the results of that thirst, or trying to get my brain to work, forgetting to eat/just not eating which resulted in being somewhat (somewhat?!) shaky/tired during my 3-hour class this evening. Honestly, that ad for that one medication where the door on the women's washroom talks to the teacher...that's about how I felt today. And don't ask me why I was so thirsty with so much water and tea going in, and it wasn't like yesterday was bad. My lips too are really cracked and painful right now. We shall see what tomorrow holds, obviously, if this thirst thing keeps up more than another day or so, I need to get it checked ASAP. Diabetes is one potential risk factor from taking seroquel. Not to mention that if I do have Mosaic Turner's then I am at greater risk for diabetes.

And the last thought for the day...receiving A grades when getting back papers after waiting through a three hour class leads to a huge relaxation from stress, which in turn leads to an almost insane level of exuberance. Normally, at that time of night on the bus, I want to put on Chopin or something like that. Nope, tonight I was listening to the overture to Candide, Mambo from West Side Story, part of Suite Antique by John Rutter, March of the Belgian Paratroopers, the MYC Theme Song, Celtic Partita (that one comes as no surprise however, I think I have listened to it more than 100 times on my ipod alone now)...and not only that, I was texting some of my friends and whatnot, which is also not really typical of me on the bus home at 10pm at night! Now I need to relax and sleep!

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