Friday, July 20, 2012

Chipmunk Mode

I have entered into chipmunk mode, AKA, I had my wisdom teeth out at around 12:30 today. All things told, it really wasn't that bad, that worst part of today was the starting of the IV. No matter how much I insisted that it WOULD NOT work on my right arm, they still insisted on trying, because my veins appear more prominent there. They thought that they had it in, and started injecting the sedation medicines, but all that did was cause me to be in intense pain, while not drifting off to sleep. Finally, they switched it to my left arm, and in about 2 seconds, I was out, and the next thing I knew I was waking up. I don't think that I was that spacey, but I don't remember much of the car ride to the pharmacy, although I DO remember running into my piano teacher there, and then rambling on about the conference, the student she had referred to me, and Mrs. Treble Clef and Mr. Bass Clef...

Glad that she has known me for almost 20 years now...

So far, it has not been very painful, I am getting by pretty well on just advil. Mostly, it actually seems to be my cheeks that are hurting from the swelling, and I know that that is only going to increase over the next day or so, but the advil is also an anti-inflammatory and should help with that. In all honesty, doing my stress test, although shorter, was harder on me.

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