Sunday, April 1, 2012

Choir Concert

Tonight was the final choir concert for this university year. It went pretty well, all things considered. The dress rehearsal was a bit hard on me, and more than once I did squat down, under the premise of having some water...which worked. If only my positions for breathing didn't look so strange. But for the actual concert it was pretty much okay. And yesterday's Chamber Ensemble recital went pretty guitarist and I played two movements of a Diabelli work, and then Bartok's Romanian Dances. I ended up getting a bit nervous in the 5th and 6th movements, but was able to recover pretty quickly, and it ended okay, although my last note was shorter than I would have liked (just not enough air). Of course, I was slightly frustrated/irritated with E, my guitarist as I was dressed in all black, and he was wearing a black shirt, black shoes...and JEANS. It bothered me, to say the least. This was a formal event, even if there were very few in the audience, and you should take the time to put on black pants...which I know he has. Definitely know, as he was wearing them tonight at the choir concert.

My workload before the end of the semester is now down to: Two papers (neither of which are the length that the previous ones have is 3-5 pages, the other is 2500 words), one jury and one exam.

Now, I really should practice, although I am tired, and really should also go to bed...I slept in until 10:50 this morning. Yikes. Means that I slept nine hours...I fell asleep last night about five minutes before the episode of I dream of Jeannie that I was watching on my computer in bed finished. Lols. Yes, my computer is now playing cds and dvds again. I didn't do anything to it, but maybe something just sort of sorted itself out. I'm not complaining though, as it is both a useful thing, and an entertaining thing to have that working.

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